Service Fees

Please see below for details.

  • My current fee structure for individual therapy services includes three options.

    Standard Fee: $160 per 45 minute session
    Pay it Forward: anything above $160 up to $225 per 45 minute session

    Sliding Scale: rates vary depending upon need and availability

    My goal of implementing a "Pay it Forward" option is to increase additional sliding scale availability for those who will benefit from more accessible services (for example, folks who may be unemployed, underemployed and/or do not have access to financial support or generational wealth).

  • -Do I have out-of-network mental health benefits?

    -Do I have a deductible? How much is my deductible and has it been met?

    -What is the amount covered per therapy session?

    -How many sessions are covered? Is there a limit to the number of session covered per year?

  • As of the start of 2024, I am no longer in-network with any insurance. For those interested in utilizing out-of-network benefits, I can provide superbills that you can submit to your insurance for any out-of-network reimbursement they may offer. Please note: It is each client’s individual responsibility to determine their out-of-network benefits. I do not verify anyone’s eligibility for out-of-network coverage, nor do I guarantee any reimbursements.

  • Individual therapy sessions are 45 minutes in length and typically occur weekly or bi-weekly.